Friday, February 29, 2008

National Pet Dental Health Month

If you subscribe to any of the national pet magazines or if you are a frequent visitor to one of the major pet websites you are aware that February is designated "National Pet Dental Health Month". Here it is the end of the month and I guess you could say we are catching up because we are just getting around to adding a relevant post to the blog. It's not that we haven't been busy and I hope you will find the work we have been doing behind the scenes will be of interest to you. In reference to Dental Health we have created a Hubpage that talks about the importance of good dental hygiene for your cat and how to spot the early warning signs that there could be trouble in your cat's mouth. I know just by researching material to write the article on feline dental health I learned more about a cat's mouth than I ever thought I would know. I encourage you to go out and read the article and please send me your comments.
Click here to read the Hubpage on Dental Health.