The Food and Drug Administration warns us that improper storing and serving of cat food can result in food-borne illnesses. Here are a few very simple steps that you as a responsible pet owner can follow to lessen the chance your cat will come in contact with something that is not good for it.
- Store all food according to the manufacturers recommendation
- Promptly discard or refrigerate any leftover wet food
- Buy only products in packaging that is in good condition
- Serve only the amount of food you cat will eat in a reasonable amount of time
- Wash your hands before handling pet food so you don't contaminate the food
- And, its a good idea to wash any bowls, dishes or utensils after their use
Providing our cat with the opportunity to exercise is another way to maintain or improve health. Sometimes because of scheduling, commitments and other influences, our best laid plans take a left turn. A cat tree, large enough for your cat to climb, may be the solution to get your pet "moving" and reap some of the benefits of exercise. Take a look at the products on our website - we offer good variety and all our cat trees are value priced.